See also Atone, Atonement; Merciful, Mercy

The unfailing consequence of blessings for righteous thoughts and acts, and punishment for unrepented sin. Justice is an eternal law that requires a penalty each time a law of God is broken (Alma 42: 13-24). The sinner must pay the penalty if he does not repent (Mosiah 2: 38-39; D&C 19: 17). If he does repent, the Savior pays the penalty through the Atonement, invoking mercy (Alma 34: 16).

The soul that sinneth shall die, Ezek. 18: 4. What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly? Micah 6: 8. Jesus will be just and forgive our sins, 1 John 1: 9. The justice of God did divide the wicked from the righteous, 1 Ne. 15: 30. The Atonement satisfies the demands of his justice, 2 Ne. 9: 26. All mankind is fallen and is in the grasp of justice, Alma 42: 14. The Atonement appeases the demands of justice, Alma 42: 15. Do ye suppose that mercy can rob justice? Alma 42: 25. The justice of God hangs over you except you repent, Alma 54: 6. Justice and judgment are the penalty that is affixed to my law, D&C 82: 4. Justice continues in its course and claims its own, D&C 88: 40. None shall be exempted from the justice and the laws of God, D&C 107: 84.