Understanding and comprehension, especially of truth as taught or confirmed by the Spirit.
The Lord is a God of knowledge, 1 Sam. 2: 3. The Lord is perfect in knowledge, Job 37: 16. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, Prov. 1: 7. He that has knowledge restrains his words, Prov. 17: 27. The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, Isa. 11: 9 (2 Ne. 21: 9; 30: 15). Ye have taken away the key of knowledge, Luke 11: 52. The love of Christ passes knowledge, Eph. 3: 19. Add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, 2 Pet. 1: 5. Nephi had a great knowledge of the goodness of God, 1 Ne. 1: 1. They shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer, 2 Ne. 6: 11. The righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their righteousness, 2 Ne. 9: 14. The Spirit gives knowledge, Alma 18: 35. Your knowledge is perfect in that thing, Alma 32: 34. The Lamanites shall be brought to the true knowledge of their Redeemer, Hel. 15: 13. Ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God, Moro. 7: 15-17. The Saints shall find great treasures of knowledge, D&C 89: 19. Pure knowledge greatly enlarges the soul, D&C 121: 42. He who has the keys of the holy priesthood has no difficulty in obtaining a knowledge of facts, D&C 128: 11. If a person gains knowledge in this life, he has an advantage in the world to come, D&C 130: 19. It is impossible to be saved in ignorance, D&C 131: 6.