The thousand-year period of peace that will begin when Christ returns to reign personally on the earth (A of F 1: 10).
People will not lift up sword, neither learn war any more, Isa. 2: 4 (2 Ne. 12: 4; Micah 4: 3). Land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden, Ezek. 36: 35. They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years, Rev. 20: 4. Because of righteousness, Satan has no power, 1 Ne. 22: 26. I will dwell in righteousness on earth a thousand years, D&C 29: 11. When the thousand years are ended, I will spare the earth for a little season, D&C 29: 22. The great Millennium shall come, D&C 43: 30. Children of the righteous will grow up without sin, D&C 45: 58. Children shall grow up until they become old; men shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, D&C 63: 51. In the beginning of the seventh thousand years, the Lord will sanctify the earth, D&C 77: 12. They live not again until the thousand years are ended, D&C 88: 101. Satan shall be bound for a thousand years, D&C 88: 110. The Millennium is described, D&C 101: 23-34. For a thousand years the earth shall rest, Moses 7: 64.