See also Alms, Almsgiving; Riches; Tithes, Tithing; Worldliness

Coins, paper, certificates, or something people use as payment for goods or services. It is sometimes a symbol of materialism.

Ye shall be redeemed without money, Isa. 52: 3. The Twelve were told to take nothing for their journey, no scrip, no bread, no money, Mark 6: 8. Peter told Simon the sorcerer that his money would perish with him, Acts 8: 20. The love of money is the root of all evil, 1 Tim. 6: 10. Do not spend money for that which is of no worth, 2 Ne. 9: 50-51 (Isa. 55: 1-2; 2 Ne. 26: 25-27). If they labor for money, they shall perish, 2 Ne. 26: 31. Before you seek for riches, seek the kingdom of God, Jacob 2: 18-19. Churches shall say that for your money you shall be forgiven of your sins, Morm. 8: 32, 37. He who gives his money for the cause of Zion shall in nowise lose his reward, D&C 84: 89-90.