See also Eve; Family; Parents

A sacred title referring to a woman who bears or adopts children. Mothers assist in God's plan by providing mortal bodies for God's spirit children.

Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living, Gen. 3: 20 (Moses 4: 26). Honor thy father and thy mother, Ex. 20: 12 (Eph. 6: 1-3; Mosiah 13: 20). Forsake not the law of thy mother, Prov. 1: 8. A foolish man despises his mother, Prov. 15: 20 (Prov. 10: 1).

Do not despise your mother when she is old, Prov. 23: 22. Her children and husband rise up and call her blessed and her husband praises her, Prov. 31: 28. The mother of Jesus stood by the cross, John 19: 25-27. Two thousand Lamanite warriors had been taught by their mothers, Alma 56: 47 (Alma 57: 21). Our glorious Mother Eve was among the great and mighty whom the Lord instructed in the spirit world, D&C 138: 38-39.