The place where the Saints will gather and Christ will personally reign with them during the Millennium. Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent, and the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory (A of F 1: 10). It also refers to a holy city that will come down out of heaven at the beginning of the Millennium.
The law shall go forth out of Zion, Micah 4: 2. The name of the city of my God is New Jerusalem, Rev. 3: 12. John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, Rev. 21: 1-5. This people will I establish in this land, and it shall be a New Jerusalem, 3 Ne. 20: 22. A New Jerusalem will be built in America, Ether 13: 3-6, 10. The city of the New Jerusalem shall be prepared, D&C 42: 9, 35, 62-69. Saints are to gather and build the New Jerusalem, D&C 45: 63-75. The New Jerusalem is to be built in Missouri, D&C 84: 1-5 (D&C 57: 1-3). The Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion and upon the holy city, the New Jerusalem, D&C 133: 56. My tabernacle shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem, Moses 7: 62.