A title for the presiding officer of an organization. The President of the Church is a prophet, seer, and revelator (D&C 21: 1; 107: 91-92), and members of the Church are to call the prophet of the Church by the title "President" (D&C 107: 65). He is the only person on earth authorized to exercise all priesthood keys.
The heads of priesthood quorums and other Church organizations may also have the title of president.
The Lord gave the keys of the kingdom to Joseph Smith, D&C 81: 1-2. Three presidents form a quorum of the Presidency of the Church, D&C 107: 21-24. Presidents were ordained after the order of Melchizedek, D&C 107: 29. The duties of the presidents over deacons, teachers, priests, and elders are described, D&C 107: 85-89 (D&C 124: 136-38, 142). There are seven presidents over all other Seventy, D&C 107: 93-95. Presidents of stakes were appointed, D&C 124: 133-35.