The enjoyment of peace and freedom from worry and turmoil. The Lord has promised such rest to his faithful followers during this life. He has also prepared a place of rest for them in the next life.
My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest, Ex. 33: 14. Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Matt. 11: 28-29. We labored that they might enter into his rest, Jacob 1: 7 (Heb. 4: 1-11). Whosoever repenteth shall enter into my rest, Alma 12: 34. There were an exceedingly great many, who were made pure, and entered into the rest of the Lord, Alma 13: 12-16. Paradise is a state of rest, Alma 40: 12 (Alma 60: 13). Nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, 3 Ne. 27: 19. Declare repentance unto this people, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father, D&C 15: 6 (D&C 16: 6). Those that die shall rest from all their labors, D&C 59: 2 (Rev. 14: 13). The Lord's rest is the fulness of his glory, D&C 84: 24.