In Kirtland, Ohio (United States of America), during the winter of 1832-1833, the Lord commanded Joseph Smith to organize a school for the purpose of training the brethren in all things pertaining to the gospel and the kingdom of God. From this school came many of the early leaders of the Church. Another school of the prophets or the elders was conducted by Parley P. Pratt in Jackson County, Missouri (D&C 97: 1-6). Similar schools were held shortly after the Saints migrated to the West; however, these were soon discontinued. Gospel teaching today is done in the home, priesthood quorums, and the various auxiliary organizations, and through Church schools and seminary and institute classes.
Sanctify yourselves and teach one another the doctrines of the kingdom, D&C 88: 74-80. Seek ye diligently, and teach one another, D&C 88: 118-122. Order of the school of the prophets was set forth, D&C 88: 127-141. The First Presidency hold the keys to the school of prophets, D&C 90: 6-7.