To have an illness or disease. In the scriptures, physical illness sometimes serves as a symbol for a lack of spiritual well-being (Isa. 1: 4-7; 33: 24).
I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee, 2 Kgs. 20: 1-5 (2 Chr. 32: 24; Isa. 38: 1-5). Jesus went about healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease, Matt. 4: 23-24 (1 Ne. 11: 31; Mosiah 3: 5-6). They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick, Matt. 9: 10-13 (Mark 2: 14-17; Luke 5: 27-32). Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders, James 5: 14-15. Christ will take upon him the pains and sicknesses of his people, Alma 7: 10-12. Jesus healed all the sick among the Nephites, 3 Ne. 26: 15. Nourish the sick with tenderness, herbs, and mild food, D&C 42: 43 (Alma 46: 40). Remember in all things the sick and the afflicted, D&C 52: 40. Lay your hands upon the sick, and they shall recover, D&C 66: 9.