The opportunity for those who have died without receiving the saving ordinances of the gospel to have these ordinances performed for them in temples by worthy living members of the Church. The dead are taught the gospel in the spirit world and may accept the ordinances performed for them in mortality.
Faithful members of the Church research and prepare family histories to determine the names and birth dates of ancestors so that the saving ordinances may be performed for them.
Say to the prisoners, Go forth, Isa. 49: 9 (Isa. 24: 22; 1 Ne. 21: 9). Proclaim liberty to the captives, Isa. 61: 1 (Luke 4: 18). He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, Mal. 4: 5-6 (3 Ne. 25: 5-6; D&C 110: 13-16). The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, John 5: 25. Why are they then baptized for the dead? 1 Cor. 15: 29. Christ preached unto the spirits in prison, 1 Pet. 3: 18-20. For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, 1 Pet. 4: 6. The Son visited the spirits in prison, D&C 76: 73. Then cometh the redemption of those who have received their part in that prison, D&C 88: 99. A baptismal font is not upon the earth that my Saints may be baptized for those who are dead, D&C 124: 29. All those who have died who would have accepted the gospel will be heirs to the celestial kingdom, D&C 137: 7-10. The Son of God appeared declaring liberty to the captives who had been faithful, D&C 138: 18. As many of the spirits as were in prison came forth, Moses 7: 57.