To use something as a likeness or image of another thing. Symbolism in the scriptures uses a familiar object, event, or circumstance to represent a principle or teaching of the gospel. For example, the Book of Mormon prophet Alma used a seed to represent the word of God (Alma 32).
Prophets throughout the scriptures used symbolism to teach about Jesus Christ. Some of these symbols include ceremonies and ordinances (Moses 6: 63), sacrifices (Heb. 9: 11-15; Moses 5: 7-8), the sacrament (Luke 22: 13-20; JST, Mark 14: 20-24), and baptism (Rom. 6: 1-6; D&C 128: 12-13). Many biblical names are symbolic. The Old Testament tabernacle ceremony and the law of Moses represented eternal truths (Heb. 8-10; Mosiah 13: 29-32; Alma 25: 15; Hel. 8: 14-15). For other examples, see Matt. 5: 13-16; John 3: 14-15; Jacob 4: 5; Alma 37: 38-45.