Following are selected portions of the Joseph Smith Translation of the King James Version of the Bible (JST). The Lord inspired the Prophet Joseph Smith to restore truths to the Bible text that had become lost or changed since the original words were written. These restored truths clarified doctrine and improved scriptural understanding. The passages selected for the Guide should help improve your understanding of the scriptures regardless of the language into which they are translated.
Because the Lord revealed to Joseph certain truths that the original authors had once recorded, the Joseph Smith Translation is unlike any other Bible translation in the world. In this sense, the word translation is used in a broader and different way than usual, for Joseph's translation was more revelation than literal translation from one language into another. For more information about the JST, see "Joseph Smith Translation (JST)" in the Guide to the Scriptures.
Gen. 9: 4-6 (compare Genesis 8: 20-22)
Gen. 9: 10-15 Man will be held accountable for murder and also for wasting animal life. (compare Genesis 9: 3-9)
Gen. 9: 21-25 The rainbow was set in heaven as a reminder of God's covenant to Enoch and to Noah. In the last days the general assembly of the church of the Firstborn [the Zion of the Lord in Enoch's time; see Moses 7] will join the righteous on earth. (compare Genesis 9: 16-17)
Gen. 14: 25-40 Melchizedek's great ministry is mentioned; the powers and blessings of the Melchizedek Priesthood are described. (compare Genesis 14)
Gen. 15: 9-12 Abraham saw in vision the Son of God and knew of the resurrection. (compare Genesis 15: 1-6)
Gen. 17: 3-7, 11-12 God established a covenant of circumcision with Abraham. The ordinance of baptism and the age at which children become accountable were revealed to Abraham. (compare Genesis 17: 3-12)
Gen. 19: 9-15 Lot resisted the wickedness of Sodom. (compare Genesis 19: 5-10)
Gen. 21: 31-32
Gen. 48: 5-11 Joseph's seed will be the leaders in the gathering of Israel in the latter days. (compare Genesis 48: 5-6)
Gen. 50: 24-38 Moses, Aaron, and Joseph Smith were all named in this prophecy of Joseph in Egypt. Also, Joseph prophesied that the Book of Mormon would become a companion to the record of Judah. (compare Genesis 50: 24-26; see also 2 Nephi 3)
Ex. 4: 21 The Lord was not responsible for Pharaoh's hardness of heart. See also, JST, Exodus 7: 3, 13; 9: 12; 10: 1, 20, 27; 11: 10; 14: 4, 8, 17; each reference, when correctly translated, shows that Pharaoh hardened his own heart. (compare Exodus 4: 21; 7: 3, 13; 9: 12; 10: 1, 20, 27; 11: 10; 14: 4, 8, 17; Deuteronomy 2: 30)
Ex. 4: 24-27
Ex. 18: 1 Jethro was a high priest. (compare Exodus 18: 1)
Ex. 22: 18 Murderers shall not live. (compare Exodus 22: 18)
Ex. 32: 14
Ex. 33: 20, 23 No sinful man can see God's face and live. (compare Exodus 33: 20, 23)
Ex. 34: 1-2 The second set of tablets given to Moses contained a lesser law than the first set. (compare Exodus 34: 1-2, 14; Doctrine and Covenants 84: 21-26)
Deut. 10: 2 On the first set of tablets God revealed the everlasting covenant of the holy priesthood. (compare Deuteronomy 10: 2)
1 Samuel
1 Sam. 16: 14-16, 23 The evil spirit that came upon Saul was not from the Lord. (compare 1 Samuel 16: 14-16, 23; similar changes were made to 1 Samuel 18: 10 and 19: 9)
2 Samuel
2 Sam. 12: 13 David's grievous sin was not put away by God. (compare 2 Samuel 12: 13)
1 Chronicles
1 Chr. 21: 15
2 Chronicles
2 Chr. 18: 22 The Lord does not put a lying spirit into the mouths of prophets. (compare 2 Chronicles 18: 22)
Ps. 11: 1-5
Ps. 14: 1-7 The Psalmist rejoiced at the day of restoration. (compare Psalm 14: 1-7)
Ps. 24: 7-10 This psalm celebrates Christ's second coming. (compare Psalm 24)
Ps. 109: 4 We are to pray for our adversaries. (compare Psalm 109: 4)
Isa. 29: 1-8
Isa. 42: 19-23 The Lord will send his servant unto those that are blind. (compare Isaiah 42: 19-22)
Jer. 26: 13 The Lord does not repent; men repent. (compare Jeremiah 26: 13)
Amos 7: 3 The Lord does not repent; men repent. (compare Amos 7: 3)
Matt. 3: 4-6
Matt. 3: 24-26 Jesus' youth and childhood are described. (compare Matthew 2: 23)
Matt. 3: 34-36
Matt. 3: 38-40
Matt. 3: 43-46 Jesus was baptized by John by immersion. (compare Matthew 3: 15-17)
Matt. 4: 1, 5-6, 8-9 Jesus was led by the Spirit, not by Satan. (compare Matthew 4: 1, 5-6, 8-9; similar changes were made in Luke 4: 2, 5-11)
Matt. 4: 11 Jesus sent angels to minister to John the Baptist. (compare Matthew 4: 11)
Matt. 4: 18 Old Testament prophets spoke of Jesus. (compare Matthew 4: 19)
Matt. 4: 22 Jesus healed people among those who believed on his name. (compare Matthew 4: 23)
Matt. 5: 21
Matt. 6: 14 The Lord does not lead us into temptation. (compare Matthew 6: 13; similar changes were made in Luke 11: 4)
Matt. 6: 22 If our eyes are single to the glory of God, our whole bodies will be filled with light. (compare Matthew 6: 22)
Matt. 6: 25-27
Matt. 6: 38 We should seek first to build the kingdom of God. (compare Matthew 6: 33)
Matt. 7: 1-2 Judge not unrighteously. (compare Matthew 7: 1-2)
Matt. 7: 4-8
Matt. 7: 9-11 Do not share the mysteries of the kingdom with the world. (compare Matthew 7: 6)
Matt. 7: 12-17
Matt. 9: 18-21 Jesus rejected the baptism of the Pharisees; he gave the law of Moses. (This is text restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith, inserted between Matthew 9: 15 and Matthew 9: 16.)
Matt. 11: 13-15
Matt. 12: 37-38
Matt. 13: 39-44
Matt. 16: 25-26 The meaning of the phrase "to take up the cross of Jesus" is to deny ungodliness. (compare Matthew 16: 24)
Matt. 16: 27-29
Matt. 17: 10-14 Two Eliases were to come-one to prepare and one to restore. (compare Matthew 17: 11-13)
Matt. 18: 11 Little children have no need of repentance. (compare Matthew 18: 11; see also Moroni 8)
Matt. 19: 13 Little children will be saved. (compare Matthew 19: 13)
Matt. 21: 33 Man must repent before he can believe in Christ. (compare Matthew 21: 32-33)
Matt. 21: 47-56 Jesus declared that he is the chief cornerstone. The gospel is offered to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. The wicked shall be destroyed when Jesus returns. (compare Matthew 21: 45-46)
Matt. 23: 6 He who is in heaven is our creator. (compare Matthew 23: 9)
Matt. 26: 22, 24-25 Jesus instituted the sacrament. (compare Matthew 26: 26-29; JST, Mark 14: 20-25)
Matt. 27: 3-6 Judas's death is described. (compare Matthew 27: 3-5; Acts 1: 18)
Mark 2: 26-27
Mark 3: 21-25
Mark 7: 10-12
Mark 8: 37-38
Mark 8: 42-43
Mark 9: 3 John the Baptist was on the Mount of Transfiguration. (compare Mark 9: 4)
Mark 9: 40-48 Cutting off an offending hand or foot is compared to eliminating associations which may lead one astray. (compare Mark 9: 43-48)
Mark 12: 32 God is not a God of the dead, because he raises the dead from their graves. (compare Mark 12: 27)
Mark 14: 20-25 Jesus instituted the sacrament. (compare Mark 14: 22-25; JST, Matthew 26: 22, 24-25)
Mark 14: 36-38 At Gethsemane, even some of the Twelve did not fully grasp Jesus' role as the Messiah. (compare Mark 14: 32-34)
Mark 16: 3-6 Two angels greeted the women at the tomb of the Savior. (compare Mark 16: 4-7; similar changes were made in Matthew 28: 2-8; compare Luke 24: 2-4)
Luke 1: 8 Zacharias, John the Baptist's father, was performing priesthood duties. (compare Luke 1: 8)
Luke 2: 46 The doctors in the temple were listening to Jesus and asking him questions. (compare Luke 2: 46)
Luke 3: 4-11 Christ shall come to fulfill prophecy, take away sins, bring salvation, and be a light, and he shall come in the day of power and the fulness of times. (compare Luke 3: 4-6)
Luke 3: 19-20
Luke 6: 29-30
Luke 9: 24-25
Luke 11: 53 The fulness of the scriptures is the key of knowledge. (compare Luke 11: 52)
Luke 12: 9-12 Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven. (compare Luke 12: 9-10)
Luke 12: 41-57 We must always be ready for the coming of the Lord. (compare Luke 12: 38-48)
Luke 14: 35-37
Luke 16: 16-23 Jesus provided the context for the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. (compare Luke 16: 16-18)
Luke 17: 21 The kingdom of God has already come. (compare Luke 17: 20-21)
Luke 17: 36-40 Jesus explained a parable regarding the gathering of the righteous. (compare Luke 17: 37)
Luke 21: 24-26 Jesus explained the signs of his coming. (compare Luke 21: 24-26)
Luke 21: 32 All will be fulfilled when the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. (compare Luke 21: 32)
Luke 23: 35 Jesus asked forgiveness for the Roman soldiers who crucified him. (compare Luke 23: 34)
Luke 24: 2-4
John 1: 42
John 1: 1-34 The gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached from the beginning. One Elias [John the Baptist] was to prepare the way for Christ, and another Elias [Christ] was to restore all things. (compare John 1: 1-34)
John 1: 42 Cephas means "seer" or "stone." (compare John 1: 42)
John 4: 1-4 Jesus performed baptisms. (compare John 4: 1-2)
John 4: 26 God has promised his Spirit to true believers. (compare John 4: 26)
John 6: 44
John 13: 8-10 Jesus washed the feet of the apostles. (compare John 13: 8-10)
John 14: 30 The prince of darkness, or Satan, is of this world. (compare John 14: 30)
Acts 9: 7 Those who were with Paul at his conversion saw the light, but they did not hear the voice or see the Lord. (compare Acts 9: 7; Acts 22: 9)
Acts 22: 29-30
Rom. 3: 5-8
Rom. 4: 2-5
Rom. 4: 16 Both faith and works, through grace, are necessary for salvation. (compare Romans 4: 16)
Rom. 7: 5-27 Christ has power to change men's souls. (compare Romans 7: 5-25)
Rom. 8: 8 Those who follow after the ways of the flesh cannot see God. (compare Romans 8: 8)
Rom. 8: 29-30
Rom. 13: 6-7
1 Corinthians
1 Cor. 7: 1-2, 5, 26, 29-33 Paul answered questions about marriage among those called on missions. (compare 1 Corinthians 7: 1-2, 5, 26, 29-33)
1 Cor. 15: 40 There are three degrees of glory in the resurrection. (compare 1 Corinthians 15: 40)
Gal. 3: 19-20 Christ is the mediator of the new covenant. The law of Moses [old covenant] and the everlasting gospel [new covenant] are compared. (compare Galatians 3: 19-20)
Eph. 4: 26 Unrighteous anger is sin. (compare Ephesians 4: 26)
Col. 2: 21-22
1 Thessalonians
1 Thes. 4: 15 Those righteous people who are alive at the coming of the Lord will have no advantage over the righteous dead. (compare 1 Thessalonians 4: 15)
2 Thessalonians
2 Thes. 2: 2-3, 7-9 Paul prophesied an apostasy before the Lord returns. (compare 2 Thessalonians 2: 2-9)
1 Timothy
1 Tim. 2: 4 Christ is the Only Begotten Son and Mediator. (compare 1 Timothy 2: 4)
1 Tim. 3: 15-16
1 Tim. 6: 15-16 Those who have the light of immortality dwelling in them can see Jesus.
Heb. 1: 6-7 Angels are ministering spirits. (compare Hebrews 1: 6-7)
Heb. 4: 3 The works of God were prepared from the foundation of the world. (compare Hebrews 4: 3)
Heb. 5: 7-8 A note in the JST manuscript states that verses 7 and 8 allude to Melchizedek and not to Christ. Otherwise, the texts in the KJV and JST are the same. (compare Hebrews 5: 7-8)
Heb. 6: 1, 3-10 The principles of Christ lead to perfection. (compare Hebrews 6: 1, 3-10)
Heb. 7: 3 The holy priesthood after the order of the Son of God is without father or mother and has neither a beginning nor an end of days. (compare Hebrews 7: 3)
Heb. 7: 19-21
Heb. 7: 25-26 Christ's role as mediator is explained. (compare Hebrews 7: 26-27)
Heb. 11: 1 Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. (compare Hebrews 11: 1)
Heb. 11: 35 The faithful who are tortured for Christ obtain the first resurrection. (compare Hebrews 11: 35)
James 1: 2 Afflictions, not temptations, help to sanctify us. (compare James 1: 2)
James 2: 1 Members should not regard one person more highly than another. (compare James 2: 1)
James 2: 14-21
1 Peter
1 Pet. 3: 20 Some of the spirits in prison had been unrighteous in the days of Noah. (compare 1 Peter 3: 20)
1 Pet. 4: 6 The gospel is preached to those who are dead. (compare 1 Peter 4: 6)
1 Pet. 4: 8 Charity prevents us from sinning. (compare 1 Peter 4: 8)
2 Peter
2 Pet. 3: 3-13
1 John
1 Jn. 2: 1 Christ will be our advocate with the Father if we repent. (compare 1 John 2: 1)
1 Jn. 3: 9 Whoever is born of God does not continue in sin. (compare 1 John 3: 9)
1 Jn. 4: 12 Only men who believe in God can see him. (compare 1 John 4: 12)
Rev. 1: 1-8 John received a revelation from Jesus Christ and delivered it to the leaders over the seven churches in Asia. (compare Revelation 1: 1-8)
Rev. 2: 22 The wicked will be cast into hell. (compare Revelation 2: 22)
Rev. 2: 26-27
Rev. 5: 6 Twelve servants of God are sent to all the earth. (compare Revelation 5: 6)
Rev. 12: 1-17 The woman [the Church], the child [the kingdom of God], the rod of iron [the word of God], the dragon [Satan], and Michael are explained. The war in heaven is continued on the earth. (compare Revelation 12: 1-17; Doctrine and Covenants 77)
Rev. 19: 15, 21 God uses the word of Christ to smite the nations. (compare Revelation 19: 15, 21)