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Aaronic Priesthood Manual 1

Overcoming Temptation

"Lesson 19: Overcoming Temptation," Aaronic Priesthood Manual 1, 66


Each young man will understand that he can overcome temptation.


Materials needed:


Recognizing and Resisting Temptation

Story and discussion

Explain that a man was interviewing new drivers for his transportation company. The route was very dangerous and went along several steep cliffs through a mountain pass. The interviewer asked each man how close he could safely drive near the edge of the cliff. The first man responded, "I could drive within six inches of the edge." The second man responded, "I could drive within two inches of the edge." The third man responded, "I would stay as far away from the edge of the cliff as I possibly could."

Explain that this lesson is about temptation and the reason Heavenly Father allows us to experience it in this earth life.

Scripture, chalkboard, and discussion

Have a young man read James 1:12-14.

List the following three points on the chalkboard:

Draw a vertical line down the middle of the chalkboard. Label one side Good, and the other side Evil. Place two dots, both on the good side of the dividing line-one very close to the line, and the other quite far away.


Have a young man read the following statement by President George Albert Smith about avoiding temptation.

"My grandfather used to say to his family, 'There is a line of demarcation, well defined, between the Lord's territory and the devil's. If you will stay on the Lord's side of the line, you will be under his influence and will have no desire to do wrong; but if you cross to the devil's side of the line one inch, you are in the tempter's power, and if he is successful, you will not be able to think or even reason properly, because you will have lost the Spirit of the Lord.'

"When I have been tempted sometimes to do a certain thing, I have asked myself, 'Which side of the line am I on?' If I determined to be on the safe side, the Lord's side, I would do the right thing every time. So when temptation comes, think prayerfully about your problem, and the influence of the Spirit of the Lord will enable you to decide wisely. There is safety for us only on the Lord's side of the line" (in Spencer W. Kimball, The Miracle of Forgiveness [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969], p. 232).

Scripture and discussion

Have a young man read Doctrine and Covenants 29:39.

Have the young men discuss this question.

Have someone read 1 Corinthians 10:13, which explains that we will not be tempted beyond our power to resist and that the Lord will always provide a way out if we are looking for it. Suggest that the young men mark this verse.

Explain that this scripture does not mean that the Lord will help us resist any situation we may create for ourselves. We must do our part to avoid temptation. Share the following example: suppose a group of friends wants you to go to a movie that will cause you to think unclean thoughts.

Avoiding and Overcoming Temptation

Chalkboard and discussion

List the young men's responses on the chalkboard. The list may include some of the following ideas:

Quotation, scriptures, and discussion

Encourage the young men to give their ideas about overcoming temptation. Discuss each idea, giving specific suggestions for overcoming or preventing temptation. You may want to use some of the following ideas, but you should encourage the young men to give their ideas first.


Explain that President Spencer W. Kimball counseled us to beware of Satan's great influence. He said: "Satan tells us that black is white. He lies to us; therefore, we must be prepared to make a bold stand before Satan. ... We need the whole armor of God that we may withstand" ("The Blessings and Responsibilities of Womanhood," Ensign, Mar. 1976, p. 71).


Bear testimony of the joy and spiritual growth that come from resisting temptation.


Have each young man think of two temptations he needs to work on. Then have each think of ways he can overcome these particular temptations. Challenge the young men to be especially aware of resisting these two temptations during the coming week.

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