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Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3

Sons of the Living God

"Lesson 3: Sons of the Living God," Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3, 8


Each young man will better understand Heavenly Father's character and attributes and will want to become more like Him.



Do not try to rush through this lesson material. Go into the scriptures in depth rather than passing quickly over them. Take two class periods if needed.


Honoring Heavenly Father

Picture discussion

Display picture 1, A Fatherly Looking Man. Comment on our natural desire to honor and cherish our fathers.

Scripture, quotation, and discussion

Have a young man read Hebrews 12:9 while the others mark this verse. Point out that the need to honor our earthly fathers is as nothing compared to the need to honor our Heavenly Father. To worship him properly and exercise faith in him, we must understand who he is and what he is like.

Read the following statement from the Prophet Joseph Smith:

"Without the idea of the existence of the attributes which belong to God, the minds of men could not have power to exercise faith in him so as to lay hold upon eternal life" (Lectures on Faith 4:2).

Emphasize that without such knowledge we could not have confidence in Heavenly Father. Read and discuss John 17:3 with the young men, and help them see how important it is to really know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Suggest that they mark this verse.

Heavenly Father's Character and Attributes

Chalkboard and scripture discussion

Explain the following characteristics of Heavenly Father. Have various young men read the scriptural passages included with each characteristic. Note that some of the scriptures may refer to Jesus Christ, but the characteristics described are also attributed to our Heavenly Father. On the chalkboard, write only the italicized portion of each sentence.

As you discuss the characteristics, ask the young men how their faith can become stronger through knowing about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Summarize the young men's comments on the chalkboard if there is enough space.

Heavenly Father's Character

Our Relationship to Heavenly Father

Scripture and discussion

Have the young men read Acts 17:24, 26, 28-30.

Help the young men understand that we are the literal offspring of God. Explain that just as offspring grow up to look like their parents, we look like God and he looks like us. We are his children, and we have the potential to become like him.


Share the following comment by Elder George Q. Cannon:

"We descend from this Father. We are His offspring. We possess His attributes. It is true they are not developed, but we possess them; and He desires to lead us forward until we shall be like Him. This is the object of the Gospel" (Gospel Truth, sel. Jerreld L. Newquist, 2 vols. [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1957-74], 1:131).

Scripture, quotation, and discussion

The Apostle Paul also taught that we are children of God. Have a young man read Romans 8:16-17.

Emphasize that since we may become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, we have the possibility of becoming like them. Each of us inherited godlike traits from our Heavenly Father. And as priesthood bearers we have covenanted to further develop those traits.

Share the following statement by President Brigham Young:

"I want to tell you ... that you are well acquainted with God our Heavenly Father. ... You are all well acquainted with him, for there is not a soul of you but what has lived in his house and dwelt with him year after year. ...

"We are the sons and daughters of celestial Beings, and the germ of the Deity dwells within us" (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1954], p. 50).

Have a young man read 3 Nephi 12:48.

Chalkboard discussion


Quotation and testimony

Read the following statement by Elder Robert L. Simpson:

" 'What is man, that thou art mindful of him?' [Psalm 8:4] A loving Father in heaven, concerned for the welfare of his child, might well answer: 'Why, you are my son, ... I love you very much. I listen carefully each day, hoping to hear from you. I want so to one day have you back where you belong' " (in Conference Report, Apr. 1970, p. 89; or Improvement Era, June 1970, p. 83).

Bear testimony that because Heavenly Father loves us and is our Father, we have inherited his attributes, and he wants us to develop them fully through the power of the Spirit.


Challenge the young men to remember that when they pray they are talking to their literal Father in Heaven. Challenge them to kneel in private and pray each morning and night during the coming week. Have them report their feelings the following Sunday.

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