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Young Women Manual 1

A Daughter of God

"Lesson 1: A Daughter of God," Young Women Manual 1, (2002),2


Each young woman will more clearly understand her unique relationship to her Heavenly Father.



Introduction: Who Are You?

Class introductions

Begin this class period by introducing yourself, and then allow each young woman to do the same. During the introductions, encourage each young woman to share a fact about herself that makes her unique in her family or among her friends. After the introductions, ask the young women to think about the relationships in their lives. Point out that each young woman has different relationships and that because she is unique, her contributions to these relationships are also unique. Then explain that the young women also have similar relationships. Each young woman is a daughter and has a mother and father, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on.

Every Young Woman Is a Daughter of God

Picture and chalkboard discussion

After the introductions have been completed, point out that not every young woman had the same relationships (for example, some may not have sisters or cousins) but that all have had a mother and father, and so all of them are daughters. Tell them that you are now going to focus on one of these relationships: the father-daughter relationship.

Display the picture of a father and daughter.

Ask each class member to try to imagine what an ideal father and daughter relationship would be like. Have the young women tell what the father would do to make the relationship successful. List the responses on the chalkboard under the title "Father" and direct the discussion to obtain the kinds of information shown on the sample chalkboard illustration that follows.

Then ask the class to explain what the daughter would do to encourage this ideal relationship between father and daughter. Again, direct the discussion and then record the answers on the chalkboard under the title "Daughter."

Sample chalkboard



1. Provides physical needs
2. Listens
3. Guides
4. Teaches
5. Loves
6. Comforts
7. Is constant in the relationship




1. Shows appreciation
2. Confides in and counsels with her father
3. Is respectful
4. Is obedient
5. Loves
6. Serves
7. Is constant in the relationship

Teacher presentation

Tell the class that in addition to having the relationship of daughter to an earthly father, they all share a very special relationship-that of daughter of our Heavenly Father. Display the poster "Daughter of God," or refer to the words on the chalkboard.

Musical reading

To help the young women understand that they are literally spiritual daughters of their Heavenly Father, ask them to think about their relationship as his daughters while the words of the hymn "O My Father" are presented as a musical reading. (This would be most effectively presented as a reading with musical background, prerecorded if necessary, but it may be read alone or sung.)


Referring to the hymn, remind the class of the love our Heavenly Father had for us in our premortal estate. He is the Father of our spirits; we are his children. He nurtured and taught us and knows us well.

You Were and Are Loved

Scripture discussion

Tell the class that the Lord posed an interesting question that caused Job to reflect about his beginnings. Have a class member read and discuss Job 38:4-7. Discuss this scripture and its relationship to each young woman. You may wish to use some of the following questions in this discussion:


"There is a God in heaven who is infinite and eternal, an everlasting, glorified, exalted Being. He has a tabernacle of flesh and bones. He is a resurrected and holy and perfected man, and we are his offspring. We are his spirit children. He lives in the family unit. We are members of his family. We lived in this premortal life with him for an infinite period of time" (Bruce R. McConkie, Making Our Calling and Election Sure, Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [Provo, 25 Mar. 1969], p. 5).

Chalkboard discussion

Point out to the class that every young woman was loved by her Father in Heaven in the premortal existence. His love is eternal and unchanging. She is loved now by her Heavenly Father. Have the class name some of their blessings that show that their Heavenly Father loves them. Go around the class at least two times, asking each young woman to suggest blessings she has received from her Heavenly Father.

As this activity is completed, refer to the chalkboard list of expectations for a father to meet in order to be part of a successful father-daughter relationship. Through discussing the blessings suggested by the class, point out the ways in which our Heavenly Father shows his love for each of his daughters.


Ask the young women to find and read the following scriptural references, which show that in addition to the blessings they have already named, our Heavenly Father has promised us great blessings to meet our needs.

Ask the class members to explain why it is important to understand that we are daughters of our Heavenly Father.


After the class has responded, have the following two quotations read to the class:

"The truth is ... man is a child of God-a God in embryo. ... That man is a child of God is the most important knowledge available to mortals" (Marion G. Romney, in Conference Report, Apr. 1973, p. 136; or Ensign, July 1973, p. 14).

"I would charge you to say again and again to yourselves, ... 'I am [a son or daughter] of God' and by so doing begin today to live closer to those ideals which will make your life happier and more fruitful because of an awakened realization of who you are" (Harold B. Lee, in Conference Report, Oct. 1973, p. 10; or Ensign, Jan. 1974, p. 6).


Give a handout containing the above quotations to each class member. Encourage the young women to memorize these quotations and apply them regularly in their lives.

Heavenly Father Desires Us to Draw Closer to Him

Teacher presentation

Explain that from the scriptures and our prophets, we have learned that each of us is a child of our Heavenly Father. We lived with him, and he loves us. Also from the scriptures and from the blessings we have named as a class, we are aware of the evidence Heavenly Father has given us of his desire to have a good relationship with each of his daughters.


Have the young women suggest what they can do to show their desire to continue in and improve their relationship with their Heavenly Father.

Refer to the chalkboard list of things a daughter can do in a father-daughter relationship. Ask the following questions to show how the same qualities are used in developing and maintaining a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Explain that sometimes a young woman can become frustrated because her prayers seem unanswered. But our Father in Heaven in his wisdom allows us to struggle with many of our problems for a time, prodding and guiding us where necessary.

Conclusion: A Divine Relationship


Have the young women locate and read Doctrine and Covenants 88:63. Then point out that our Heavenly Father truly desires for all to come near him.

Teacher presentation

Remind the young women that they are literally daughters of Heavenly Father, and he loves them. By their actions and choices, they determine the strength of the relationship they will have with him. He will never turn away. As they do his will, praying for his guidance, they will know the path their lives should follow and be assured that they are daughters of God who are truly loved by their Father.

Lesson Application

Again refer to the two quotations on the handouts and challenge the young women to memorize this information and use it in their lives.

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