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Young Women Manual 3

Eternal Families

"Lesson 8: Eternal Families," Young Women Manual 3, 28


Each young woman will understand that the Lord has provided a way for us to live as families eternally and will desire the blessings of an eternal family.


Note: Be sensitive to the needs and feelings of young women who may be the only members of the Church in their families or who may come from troubled homes.


The Family Is the Basic Unit in God's Plan


Read the following statement:

"The whole aim and purpose of the gospel is to enable men and women-united as one in the Lord-to create for themselves eternal family units in eternity. Celestial marriage prepares us for the greatest joy and happiness known to mortals and for eternal life in the realms ahead.

"May we say, as many have done before, that what men call Mormonism is the very system of laws and truths which will make of earth a heaven and of man a god" (Bruce R. McConkie, in Conference Report, Oct. 1979, p. 82; or Ensign, Nov. 1979, p. 55).

Chalkboard discussion

Explain to the young women that this lesson will focus on how the family can be eternal.

Draw the following illustration on the chalkboard:

Pre-earth Life
Earth Life

Review with the young women the following things:

Chalkboard discussion

Add the following to the chalkboard illustration:

Pre-earth Life
Earth Life

Have the young women use their scriptures to answer the following questions:

Complete the chalkboard illustration as shown, and emphasize that when God organized the family unit he meant for it to continue eternally. However, that blessing will come to us only if we are worthy of it. In order to remain a family unit eternally, we must be worthy of going to the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. The chalkboard shows that families are together in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.

Pre-earth Life
Earth Life

The Blessings of Eternal Family Life Can Be Obtained Only in Temples

Scripture reading and discussion

Read Doctrine and Covenants 132:13-20 to the young women and discuss the verses.


Hold up the picture of the family by the temple.

Make sure the young women understand that those who reach the highest degree of the celestial kingdom will live as families and will be gods.

We Must Prepare for Eternal Family Life Now

Quotation and discussion

Read and discuss the following quotation:

"If a man [or woman] cannot abide a celestial law, he cannot receive a celestial glory; if a man cannot abide a terrestrial law he cannot receive a terrestrial glory; and if he cannot abide a telestial law he cannot receive a telestial glory, but will have to dwell in a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory. This is according to the revelations of God to us" (Wilford Woodruff, in Journal of Discourses, 12:278).

Make sure the young women understand that they cannot live with their families eternally unless they are striving now to live a celestial law. They will spend eternity in the kingdom they have prepared themselves for, and it is worth every effort to qualify now for the blessings of the celestial kingdom.


Express your feelings and bear your testimony about the importance of obtaining necessary temple ordinances and living a celestial law in our earthly families so that we can become eternal families.

Lesson Application

Hand out paper and pencils to the young women. Remind them that they have discussed many important things in the lesson about their future lives. Ask them to think of one thing that keeps them from being the kind of person who could qualify to have an eternal family relationship.

They could write, "I am going to try not to ..." and then add the thing they have decided to work on. Some examples might be-

When the young women have written the things they are going to work on, suggest that they think of something they need to start doing in order to be part of an eternal family unit.

Have them write, "I am going to try to ..." and fill in the rest of the statement. Some examples might be-

Encourage the young women to accomplish the goals they have just set for themselves and do all they can now to prepare themselves to be worthy of the blessings of eternal family life.

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