Awake and Arise


31243, Hymns, Awake and Arise, no. 8

1. Awake and arise, O ye slumbering nations!
The heavens have opened their portals again.
The last and the greatest of all dispensations
Has burst like a dawn o'er the children of men!

2. The dream of the poet, the crown of the ages,
The time which the prophets of Israel foretold,
That glorious day only dreamed by the sages
Is yours, O ye slumbering nations; behold!

3. Oh, lift up your voices in song and in story.
Let banners of peace in all lands be unfurled,
For truth, heaven-born, in its beauty and glory
Is marching triumphantly over the world.

Text: Theodore E. Curtis, 1872-1957. © 1984 IRI

Music: Carolee Curtis Green, b. 1940. © 1984 IRI

D&C 133:7-10

D&C 43:17-20

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