31243, Hymns, Father, Thy Children to Thee Now Raise, no. 91
1. Father, thy children to thee now raise
Glad, grateful songs for thy love and grace,
For thy protecting and watchful care
Over thy Saints dwelling far and near;
Grateful to thee for the gospel light,
Which with its truth fills us with delight,
Glad that we've chosen the better part.
Songs of delight fill each grateful heart.
2. Oh, may our songs to thy courts ascend;
Pleasing to thee may our voices blend.
Lead us as thou hast the faithful led;
Feed us with knowledge and daily bread.
Let us not stray from the paths of truth;
Forgive the folly and faults of youth.
Father, accept thou the songs of praise
Which from our hearts unto thee we raise.
Text and music: Evan Stephens, 1854-1930