31243, Hymns, He Died! The Great Redeemer Died, no. 192
1. He died! The great Redeemer died,
And Israel's daughters wept around.
A solemn darkness veiled the sky;
A sudden trembling shook the ground.
2. Come, Saints, and drop a tear or two
For him who groaned beneath your load;
He shed a thousand drops for you,
A thousand drops of precious blood.
3. Here's love and grief beyond degree;
The Lord of glory died for men.
But lo! what sudden joys were heard!
The Lord, though dead, revived again.
4. The rising Lord forsook the tomb.
In vain the tomb forbade him rise.
Cherubic legions guard him home
And shout him welcome to the skies.
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748, alt. Included in the first LDS hymnbook, 1835.
Music: George Careless, 1839-1932
Matthew 27:35, 45, 51; Matthew 28:5-6