31243, Hymns, Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching, no. 253
1. Like ten thousand legions marching
Moves a mighty band of youth,
Boldly taking to all people
Zion's glorious song of truth.
2. Out of ev'ry nation surging-
Sons of Joseph, Israel's band-
Now they spread salvation's message
In the tongues of ev'ry land.
3. Far across the mighty waters,
Reaching ev'ry waiting shore,
Seed of Abraham and Jacob
Like a mighty lion roar.
4. Come, ye nations, out of darkness;
'Tis the time of Christ's return.
Heed the Restoration's message;
Let its light within you burn.
Text: Jean L. Kaberry, 1918-1997. © 1985 IRI
Music: Robert P. Manookin, 1918-1997. © 1985 IRI