31243, Hymns, We Meet Again in Sabbath School, no. 282
1. We meet again in Sabbath School
On this the Lord's own day,
Where joyful gladness is the rule,
And love doth bear its sway;
Where all may join in songs of praise
To him who reigns above,
And thankful hearts and voices raise
For his redeeming love.
2. We meet again, yes, gladly meet,
To learn the will of God,
For wisdom seeking, that our feet
May walk the narrow road.
O Father, let thy Spirit dwell
In ev'ry willing heart,
That we may love and serve thee well
And ne'er from thee depart.
3. Oh, happy day on which we meet
With friends and teachers dear,
And in this ever sweet retreat
Their blessed teachings hear;
With precious truths our minds are stored,
The gospel plan made plain.
Each Sabbath day, with one accord,
Oh, let us meet again.
Text: George Manwaring, 1854-1889
Music: Ebenezer Beesley, 1840-1906