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Using RPM to Upgrade Packages

rpm -U ( or --upgrade) options file1.rpm ... fileN.rpm
file1.rpm ... fileN.rpm One or more RPM package files (URLs OK)
Upgrade--specific Options Page
-h (or --hash) Print hash marks (``#'') during upgrade% latex2html id marker 23322
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--oldpackage Permit ``upgrading'' to an older package [*]
--test Perform upgrade tests only% latex2html id marker 23323
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--excludedocs Do not install documentation% latex2html id marker 23324
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--includedocs Install documentation% latex2html id marker 23325
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--replacepkgs Replace a package with a new copy of itself% latex2html id marker 23326
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--replacefiles Replace files owned by another package% latex2html id marker 23327
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--force Ignore package and file conflicts [*]
--percent Print percentages during upgrade% latex2html id marker 23328
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--noscripts Do not execute pre- and post-install scripts [*]
--prefix <path> Relocate package to <path> if possible% latex2html id marker 23329
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--ignorearch Do not verify package architecture% latex2html id marker 23330
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--ignoreos Do not verify package operating system% latex2html id marker 23331
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--nodeps Do not check dependencies% latex2html id marker 23332
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--ftpproxy <host> Use <host> as the FTP proxy% latex2html id marker 23333
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--ftpport <port> Use <port> as the FTP port% latex2html id marker 23334
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
General Options Page
-v Display additional information% latex2html id marker 23335
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
-vv Display debugging information% latex2html id marker 23336
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--root <path> Set alternate root to <path>% latex2html id marker 23337
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--rcfile <rcfile> Set alternate rpmrc file to <rcfile>% latex2html id marker 23338
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]
--dbpath <path> Use <path> to find the RPM database% latex2html id marker 23339
\setcounter{footnote}{3}\fnsymbol{footnote} [*]

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