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Ensign » 2010 » March

Family Home Evening Ideas

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  • "Family Home Evening Ideas," Ensign, Mar 2010, 73

    Family Banner

    Rena Phung, Hawaii, USA

    Rena Phung, "Family Banner," Ensign, Mar. 2010, 73

    Our family was inspired by Elder M. Russell Ballard's talk in the October 2005 general conference. He called on families to make "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" like a banner in their homes.1 We decided to take his admonition literally. On a piece of fabric, we wrote with a permanent marker: "Successful families are established ... on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities."2 We tied the banner to a pole and everyone signed the fabric.

    Now the banner is a regular part of our family home evenings. Our sons enjoy taking turns holding the banner high as we recite our family theme. Sometimes we even march around the room if our flag bearer is especially energetic. Having the banner routine has added feelings of joy and unity to our family home evenings. Every week we're reminded of the true principles our family strives to achieve.

    Illustration by Beth Whittaker

    1. See "What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2005, 42.

    2. "The Family: A Proclamation to the World," Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102.

    Helps for Home Evening

    "Helps for Home Evening," Ensign, Mar. 2010, 73

    "Learning through Life's Trials,"  on page 27. After the lesson, you may want to invite family members to share experiences when a trial has blessed their life. You could conclude by discussing with family members what they can do next time they are faced with a challenge.

    "The Law of the Fast,"  on page 52. Consider making a family plan for the next fast Sunday. Decide when the family will pray to begin and end the fast. Discuss what you might fast for and how you are blessed by sharing your testimonies during the fast. If a family member cannot go without food or water, discuss other ways he or she can participate.

    "The Value of Experiencing and Expressing Gratitude,"  on page 44. As part of the lesson, consider starting a family gratitude journal. For example, before family prayers each night you could have each person share one thing from the day that they are grateful for and list these things in your journal. At the end of an appointed time period, such as a year, review the blessings your family has received.


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