See also Child, Children; Father, Mortal; Marriage, Marry; Mother

As used in the scriptures, a family consists of a husband and wife, children, and sometimes other relatives living in the same house or under one family head. A family can also be a single parent with children, a husband and wife without children, or even a single person living alone.

General: In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed, Gen. 12: 3 (Gen. 28: 14; Abr. 2: 11). I will be the God of all the families of Israel, Jer. 31: 1. The whole family in heaven and earth is named of the Father, Eph. 3: 14-15. Adam and Eve brought forth the family of all the earth, 2 Ne. 2: 20. Thy glory shall be a continuation of the seeds forever, D&C 132: 19. I will give him crowns of eternal lives in the eternal worlds, D&C 132: 55. The sealing of the children to the parents is part of the great work of the fulness of times, D&C 138: 48. Male and female created I them, and said unto them: Be fruitful, and multiply, Moses 2: 27-28. It is not good that the man should be alone, Moses 3: 18. Adam and Eve labored together, Moses 5: 1.

Parents' responsibilities: Abraham will command his children, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, Gen. 18: 17-19. Thou shalt teach these words diligently unto thy children, Deut. 6: 7 (Deut. 11: 19). He who loves his son chastens him, Prov. 13: 24 (Prov. 23: 13). Train up a child in the way he should go, Prov. 22: 6. Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest, Eccl. 9: 9. All thy children shall be taught of the Lord, Isa. 54: 13 (3 Ne. 22: 13). Bring them up in the nurture of the Lord, Eph. 6: 1-4 (Enos 1: 1). If any provide not for his own, he hath denied the faith, 1 Tim. 5: 8. He did exhort them with all the feeling of a tender parent, 1 Ne. 8: 37. We talk of Christ that our children may know to what source they may look, 2 Ne. 25: 26. Their husbands and their wives love their children, Jacob 3: 7. Teach them to love one another and to serve one another, Mosiah 4: 14-15. Ye shall defend your families even unto bloodshed, Alma 43: 47. Pray in your families that your wives and your children may be blessed, 3 Ne. 18: 21. Parents are to teach the gospel to their children, D&C 68: 25. Every man is obliged to provide for his own family, D&C 75: 28. All children have claim upon their parents, D&C 83: 4. Bring up your children in light and truth, D&C 93: 40. Set in order your own house, D&C 93: 43-44, 50. Priesthood bearers should influence others only by love unfeigned, D&C 121: 41. Adam and Eve made all things known unto their children, Moses 5: 12.

Child's responsibilities: Honor thy father and thy mother, Ex. 20: 12. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, Prov. 1: 8 (Prov. 13: 1; 23: 22). Jesus was subject to his parents, Luke 2: 51. Jesus did the will of his Father, John 6: 38 (3 Ne. 27: 13). Obey your parents in the Lord, Eph. 6: 1 (Col. 3: 20). If the children repent, thine indignation shall be turned away, D&C 98: 45-48. Eve's faithful daughters worshiped the true and living God, D&C 138: 38-39.

Eternal family: The Doctrine and Covenants sets forth the eternal nature of the marriage relationship and the family. Celestial marriage and a continuation of the family unit enable husbands and wives to become gods (D&C 132: 15-20).