"Small and Simple Things," Ensign, Jul 2010, 70-72
"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (
* During the week, read the scriptures, and review the class member study guides or manuals. Look at the questions at the end of each lesson, and ask yourself how they apply to your life.
* Make a goal to learn something new in each class you attend. New insights could come from the Spirit, the teacher, or other class members.
* Pray for understanding of the material.
* Go to class prepared to participate in the lesson by sharing personal insights and testimony.
Left: photograph of meetinghouse by Alma Lind Petersen; photograph of Copenhagen Denmark Temple by Craig Dimond; photo illustration by Craig Dimond; right: First Missionaries to India, by Glen Hopkinson, may not be copied; photographs by Richard M. Romney
"Copenhagen Denmark Temple," Ensign, July 2010, 70
Originally dedicated as the Priorvej chapel near the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1931, this beautiful redbrick edifice became the 118th temple of the Church when it was dedicated as such on May 23, 2004. It was described as "a new temple in an old shell."1
The original exterior-including a facade with impressive columns flanking the wooden door-was preserved and restored while the interior went through extensive reconstruction. Murals and paintings of scenes from local landscapes exemplify the temple's distinctively Danish and Swedish influences. Five tall windows made of art glass run along each side of the building, which has a unique roof made of copper with a copper-clad dome.
At the temple dedication President Hinckley prayed that Heavenly Father would "touch the hearts of all who serve herein with an understanding of Thy divine purposes and of Thy glorious work in bringing 'to pass the immortality and eternal life of man'" (Moses 1:39).2
This meetinghouse, built by members, was dedicated in 1931 and later used as a bomb shelter during World War II. After the building was renovated, it became the 118th temple (below).
1. See "2004: Year in Review," Church News, Dec. 25, 2004, 13.
2. See "Dedicatory Prayer," ldschurchtemples.com/copenhagen.
"India," Ensign, July 2010, 71
In 1849 two Mormon sailors set sail for India. In Calcutta they unofficially started preaching the gospel. In 1851 Joseph Richards arrived to begin formal missionary efforts in the country. He baptized the first members of the Church in India and organized a branch. By 1852 there were 189 members. They soon built a small chapel-the first Church building in Asia.
Over the next century, however, missionary efforts struggled. But in 1978 couple missionaries began serving as Church representatives to help the Church be recognized and to strengthen members.
Since then the Book of Mormon has been translated into 5 of India's 20 major languages: Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and selections in Bengali. The India Bangalore Mission was created in 1993. In 2007 the India New Delhi Mission was created to cover northern India and several nearby countries.
The Church has received national recognition for its work with over 50 humanitarian groups in the country.
The Church in India
Twelve-year-old Henry McCune, a convert, greets some Latter-day Saint missionaries upon their arrival in Calcutta, India, in 1853.
Below: Gideon and Hansen Prabhudas from the Bangalore Second Branch. Right: A gathering of priesthood holders from the Hyderabad Fourth Branch.
"President David O. McKay (1873-1970)," Ensign, July 2010, 72
Born in the small farming community of Huntsville, Utah, USA, on September 8, 1873, David Oman McKay learned hard work at an early age when his father was called back to his native Scotland on a mission and the seven-year-old boy helped his mother run the farm. They were so successful that when the senior David returned from his mission, mother and son were able to surprise him with a much-needed addition to the family home.
Following his own mission to England and Scotland, David became an educator and was the principal of the Weber Stake Academy when in 1906, at age 32, he was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. As an Apostle, David O. McKay traveled widely, stopping in many places that had never before been visited by a General Authority. When he became President of the Church upon the death of George Albert Smith in 1951, that international experience undoubtedly helped prepare him for the period of growth and outreach that was to come.
During President McKay's administration, Church membership increased from 1.1 million to 2.8 million; the number of stakes grew from 184 to 500; and temples were built in Switzerland, New Zealand, and England. President McKay's slogan "Every member a missionary" became the watchword for the whole Church.
When President David O. McKay died on January 18, 1970, at age 96, he had presided over the Church for nearly 19 years. In total, he served as a General Authority for nearly 64 years, longer than anyone else in Church history.
Above: Reviewing an architect's rendering of the Bern Switzerland Temple. Right: As a missionary in Scotland in 1897. Below, right: The McKay home in Huntsville, Utah. Bottom: Riding one of his favorite horses. Bottom, left: The McKay family in Europe, 1922-24, while President McKay served as mission president.
Portrait painting of President Mckay by Everett Clark Thorpe, photographs courtesy of the Church History Library.
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