"In Other Church Magazines," Ensign, Jul 2010, 79
The Gospel Classic department on page 6 features a selection from the journal of B. H. Roberts describing his memorable entry into the Salt Lake Valley after crossing the plains at the age of nine with just his older sister.
With recent worldwide disasters, we turn to the Humanitarian Center to find ways to help relieve the suffering of others. (See "We Are His Hands," by Sally Johnson Odekirk, page 26).
In preparation for Pioneer Day, you can use the Friend to teach your children more about pioneers. This issue includes pioneer stories, a pioneer maze, a pioneer-themed hidden-picture activity, and an article about one of Salt Lake City's first homes, the Deuel Cabin.
Did you know you can read a quilt? Turn to pages 24 and 25 in the Friend to see an example of a quilt that uses shapes to tell stories. You and your children can guess what some of the quilt blocks represent.
I love the pictures printed of those individuals attend-ing general conference. I realize pictures are not articles; however, the pictures can tell hundreds of stories-a grandfather, father, and son at priesthood session; a Laurel class adviser with her girls; a young family dressed in their Sunday best; and many more.
One picture in particular caught my eye many years ago, and I have never forgotten it. It was a picture of a young family-a mother, father, son, and daughter-that brought so much humility to me. They were radiant as they posed, and I could feel the warmth and love of the family. Some may say their clothes were not the best, perhaps a bit too large or small. However, they were shining examples of the love Jesus Christ has for each of us.
Elizabeth Tanner
California, USA
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