Hands, Laying On of
See also Administration to the Sick; Gift of the Holy Ghost; Ordain, Ordination; Setting Apart

The act of placing one's hands on a person's head as part of a priesthood ordinance. Many priesthood ordinances are performed by the laying on of hands, such as ordinations, blessings, administering to the sick, confirming Church membership, and conferring the Holy Ghost.

Moses laid his hands upon the head of Joshua, as the Lord commanded, Num. 27: 18, 22-23 (Deut. 34: 9). Jesus laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them, Mark 6: 5 (Morm. 9: 24). The Apostles laid their hands on the seven who would assist them, Acts 6: 5-6. The Holy Ghost was given by the laying on of hands, Acts 8: 14-17. Ananias laid his hands on Saul and restored his sight, Acts 9: 12, 17-18. Paul laid his hands on him and healed him, Acts 28: 8. Paul taught the doctrine of baptism and the laying on of hands, Heb. 6: 2. Alma ordained priests and elders by the laying on of hands, Alma 6: 1. Jesus gave his disciples the power to confer the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, 3 Ne. 18: 36-37. Upon whom ye shall lay your hands, ye shall give the Holy Ghost, Moro. 2: 2. Elders are to lay their hands upon children for a blessing, D&C 20: 70. They shall receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, D&C 35: 6 (A of F 1: 4). Elders shall lay hands upon the sick, D&C 42: 44 (D&C 66: 9). Children are to receive the laying on of hands after baptism, D&C 68: 27. The priesthood is received by the laying on of hands, D&C 84: 6-16.