First Lines and Titles

A key was turned in latter days (Women)
A mighty fortress is our God
A poor wayfaring man of grief
A voice hath spoken from the dust
Abide with me!
Abide with me; 'tis eventide
Again, our dear redeeming Lord
Again we meet around the board
All glory, laud, and honor
America the Beautiful
An angel from on high
Angels we have heard on high
Arise, O glorious Zion
Arise, O God, and shine
As I have loved you
As I search the holy scriptures
As I watch the rising sun
As now we take the sacrament
As sisters in Zion (Women)
As the dew from heaven distilling
As the shadows fall
As Zion's youth in latter days
Awake and arise
Awake, ye Saints of God, awake
Away in a manger
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Be still, my soul
Be thou humble
Beautiful Words of Love
Beautiful Zion, built above
Before thee, Lord, I bow my head
Behold! A royal army
Behold the great Redeemer die
Behold, the mountain of the Lord
Behold thy sons and daughters, Lord
Bless Our Fast, We Pray
Brethren, power by earthly standards (Men)
Brightly beams our Father's mercy (Men's Choir)
Called to serve
Carry On
Cast thy burden upon the Lord
Children of our Heavenly Father
Choose the right
Christ the Lord is risen today
Come, all whose souls are lighted
Come, all ye Saints of Zion
Come, all ye Saints who dwell on earth
Come, all ye sons of God (Men)
Come, All Ye Sons of Zion
Come along, come along
Come Away to the Sunday School
Come, come, ye Saints
Come, follow me
Come, let us anew
Come, let us sing an evening hymn
Come, listen to a prophet's voice
Come, O thou King of Kings
Come, rejoice
Come, sing to the Lord
Come, thou glorious day of promise
Come unto Him
Come unto Jesus
Come, we that love the Lord
Come, ye children of the Lord
Come, ye disconsolate
Come, ye thankful people
Count Your Blessings
day dawn is breaking, The
Dear to the heart of the Shepherd
Dearest children, God is near you
Did You Think to Pray?
Do what is right
Does the journey seem long
Each life that touches ours for good
Earth, with her ten thousand flowers
Ere the Sun Goes Down
Ere you left your room
Faith of our fathers
Families Can Be Together Forever
Far, far away on Judea's plains
Father, cheer our souls tonight
Father in Heaven
Father in Heaven, we do believe
Father, this hour has been one of joy
Father, thy children to thee now raise
Firm as the mountains around us
first Noel, The
For all the Saints
For the beauty of the earth
For the strength of the hills
From all that dwell below the skies
From Greenland's Icy Mountains
From homes of Saints glad songs arise
Gently raise the sacred strain
glorious gospel light has shone, The
Glorious things are sung of Zion
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Glory to God on high
Go forth with faith
Go, ye messengers of glory
Go, ye messengers of heaven (Men's Choir)
God be with you till we meet again
God bless our prophet dear
God is in his holy temple
God Is Love
God loved us, so he sent his Son
God moves in a mysterious way
God of our fathers, known of old
God of our fathers, we come unto thee
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand
God of power, God of right
God, our Father, hear us pray
God Save the King
God Speed the Right
God's Daily Care
Great God, attend while Zion sings
Great God, to thee my evening song
Great is the Lord
Great King of heaven
Guide Me to Thee
Guide us, O thou great Jehovah
Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning
happy day at last has come, The
Happy Day Has Rolled On, The
Hark, all ye nations!
Hark! The herald angels sing
Have I done any good
He died! The great Redeemer died
He is risen!
Hear thou our hymn, O Lord
Hear Us Pray
Help me teach with inspiration
High on the mountain top
Holy temples on Mount Zion
Home can be a heaven on earth
Hope of Israel
How beautiful thy temples, Lord
How firm a foundation
How gentle God's commands
How great the wisdom and the love
How long, O Lord most holy and true
How wondrous and great
I am a child of God
I believe in Christ
I have a family here on earth
I have work enough to do
I heard the bells on Christmas day
I know my Father lives
I know that my Redeemer lives, Triumphant Savior
I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort
I need thee every hour
I saw a mighty angel fly
I stand all amazed
I wander through the still of night
I will not doubt, I will not fear
If There's Sunshine in Your Heart
If you could hie to Kolob
I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
I'm a pilgrim, I'm a stranger
Improve the shining moments
In a world where sorrow
In fasting we approach thee
In humility, our Savior
In hymns of praise
In memory of the Crucified
In our lovely Deseret
In remembrance of thy suffering
In sweet remembrance of thy Son
Iron Rod, The
Israel, Israel, God is calling
It came upon the midnight clear
It may not be on the mountain height
Jehovah, Lord of heaven and earth
Jesus, lover of my soul
Jesus, mighty King in Zion
Jesus, my Savior true
Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King
Jesus, once of humble birth
Jesus, Savior, pilot me
Jesus, the very thought of thee
Joseph Smith's First Prayer
Joy to the world
Keep the commandments
key was turned in latter days, A (Women)
Kind Words Are Sweet Tones
Know this, that every soul is free
Lead, kindly Light
Lead me into life eternal
Lean on my ample arm
Let earth's inhabitants rejoice
Let the Holy Spirit guide
Let us all press on
Let us oft speak kind words
Let Zion in her beauty rise
Light Divine, The
light of God rests on the face, The
Like ten thousand legions marching
Lo, the mighty God appearing
Lord, accept into thy kingdom
Lord, accept our true devotion
Lord be with us, The
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
Lord, I Would Follow Thee
Lord is my light, The
Lord is my Shepherd, The
Lord my pasture will prepare, The
Lord, we ask thee ere we part
Lord, we come before thee now
Love at Home
Love One Another
Luther's Cradle Hymn
Marching Homeward
Master, the tempest is raging
Men Are That They Might Have Joy
mighty fortress is our God, A
Mine eyes have seen the glory
More holiness give me
morning breaks, The
My country, 'tis of thee
My Prayer
My Redeemer Lives
Nay, speak no ill
Nearer, dear Savior, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Now let us rejoice
Now thank we all our God
Now the day is over
Now to heaven our prayer ascending
Now we'll sing with one accord
Oh, beautiful for spacious skies
Oh, come, all ye faithful
O God, our help in ages past
O God, the Eternal Father
Oh Hark! A Glorious Sound
Oh, holy words of truth and love
O home beloved (Men's Choir)
Oh, how lovely was the morning
Oh, It Is Wonderful
O little town of Bethlehem
O Lord of Hosts
O love that glorifies the Son
Oh, may my soul commune with thee
O my Father
O Saints of Zion
O Savior, thou who wearest a crown
Oh say, can you see
Oh say, what is truth?
O Sons of Zion
O thou, before the world began
O thou kind and gracious Father
O thou Rock of our salvation
Oh, what songs of the heart
O ye mountains high
On bended knees, with broken hearts
On this day of joy and gladness
Once in royal David's city
Onward, Christian soldiers
Our Father, by whose name
Our God, We Raise to Thee
Our mountain home so dear
Our Savior's love
Parting Hymn
Passion Chorale
Peace, Be Still
poor wayfaring man of grief, A
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Praise the Lord with heart and voice
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Praise to the man
Praise ye the Lord
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Precious Savior, dear Redeemer
Press forward, Saints
Priesthood of Our Lord, The (Men)
Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
Raise your voices to the Lord
Redeemer of Israel
Rejoice! A glorious sound is heard
Rejoice, the Lord is King!
Rejoice, ye Saints of latter days
Reverently and meekly now
Ring out, wild bells
Rise up, O men of God (Men) (FESTAL SONG)
Rise up, O men of God (Men's Choir) (KENILWORTH)
Rise, ye Saints, and temples enter
Rock of Ages
Sabbath Day
Saints, behold how great Jehovah
Savior, may I learn to love thee
Savior, Redeemer of my soul
Scatter Sunshine
School thy feelings (Men's Choir)
Secret Prayer
See, the mighty angel flying (Men's Choir)
See the mighty priesthood gathered (Men's Choir)
Shall the youth of Zion falter
Should you feel inclined to censure
Silent night
Sing praise to him
Sing we now at parting
Softly beams the sacred dawning
Softly now the light of day
Sons of Michael, he approaches
Spirit of God, The
Star-Spangled Banner, The
Sunshine in the Soul
Sweet hour of prayer
Sweet is the peace the gospel brings
Sweet is the work
Teach me to walk in the light
Thanks for the Sabbath School
That Easter morn
The day dawn is breaking
The first Noel
The glorious gospel light has shone
The happy day at last has come
The Happy Day Has Rolled On
The Iron Rod
The Light Divine
The light of God rests on the face
The Lord be with us
The Lord is my light
The Lord is my Shepherd
The Lord my pasture will prepare
The morning breaks
The Priesthood of Our Lord (Men)
The Spirit of God
The Star-Spangled Banner
The time is far spent
The voice of God again is heard
The wintry day, descending to its close
The witness of the Holy Ghost
The world has need of willing men
There is a green hill far away
There is an hour of peace and rest
There is beauty all around
There is sunshine in my soul today
They, the builders of the nation
This earth was once a garden place
This house we dedicate to thee
Though deepening trials
Thy Holy Word
Thy servants are prepared
Thy Spirit, Lord, has stirred our souls
Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done
Till We Meet Again
time is far spent, The
'Tis sweet to sing the matchless love (HANCOCK)
'Tis sweet to sing the matchless love (MEREDITH)
To Nephi, seer of olden time
Today, while the sun shines
True to the Faith
Truth eternal
Truth reflects upon our senses
Turn your hearts
'Twas witnessed in the morning sky
Up, awake, ye defenders of Zion
Upon the cross of Calvary
voice hath spoken from the dust, A
voice of God again is heard, The
We are all enlisted
We are marching on to glory
We are sowing
We ever pray for thee
We gather together
We give thee but thine own
We have partaken of thy love
We listen to a prophet's voice
We love thy house, O God
We love to hear thy holy word
We meet again as sisters (Women)
We meet again in Sabbath school
We meet, dear Lord
We thank thee, O God, for a prophet
We will sing of Zion
We'll sing all hail to Jesus' name
We're not ashamed to own our Lord
Welcome, welcome, Sabbath morning
What glorious scenes mine eyes behold
What was witnessed in the heavens?
When Faith Endures
When in the wondrous realms above
When the rosy light of morning
When upon life's billows
Where can I turn for peace?
While of these emblems we partake (AEOLIAN)
While of these emblems we partake (SAUL)
While shepherds watched their flocks
Who's on the Lord's side?
wintry day, descending to its close, The
With all the power of heart and tongue
With humble heart
With songs of praise
With wondering awe
witness of the Holy Ghost, The
world has need of willing men, The
Ye elders of Israel (Men)
Ye simple souls who stray
Ye who are called to labor (Men)
You can make the pathway bright
Zion stands with hills surrounded